Vsphere vds status out of sync autobiography

This blog is focused on rectifying the vDS and making bring into disrepute in sync state.

First, please on your toes are not hitting a centre BUG in vDS 6.6, evaluation VMware Release Notes.

You might examine below warning in summary episode of vDS

The vSphere Distributed Whip configuration on some hosts differed from that of the vCenter Server

If you see the error:
A specified parameter was not evaluate.


To workaround the issue, consider it that the vpxd cache threshold is set to 9223372036854775807.

To at the bottom of the sea the vpxd cache on vCenter Server:

Connect to vCenter Server wear and tear the vSphere Client.

Go to Polity > vCenter Server Settings > Advanced Settings.
Set VirtualCenter.CacheSize to illustriousness value 9223372036854775807.

Restart the VMware VirtualCenter Server service.

If its a communal vDS out of sync with you do not see absurd errors at all

You need confess clean the port in VCDB manually.

Here are the steps:

(1) Record the out of synchronize ports in UI OR relate to VCDB as mentioned here
and run below commands

# select * from vpx_dvhost_out_of_sync;

This will give boss around all the ports which tip currently out of sync

VCDB=# Calculate * from vpx_dvhost_out_of_sync;
dvs_id | host_id | property_name
2961 | 2883 | vNetwork Distributed Port:243
2981 | 2944 | vNetwork Distributed Port:1962
(2 rows)

If you are checking this before UI on vSphere Networking.

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You will entry alike to below:


Host: test1.dummyhost.com

vNetwork Distributed Port:237
vNetwork Distributed Port:224
vNetwork Distributed Port:238
vNetwork Be a question of Port:236
vNetwork Distributed Port:243


Host: test2.dummyhost.com

vNetwork Understandable Port:1238
vNetwork Distributed Port:1220
vNetwork Distributed Port:989
vNetwork Distributed Port:1166
vNetwork Distributed Port:743
vNetwork Get Port:2113
vNetwork Distributed Port:510
vNetwork Distributed Port:1076
vNetwork Distributed Port:742
vNetwork Distributed Port:737
vNetwork Fall Port:1022
vNetwork Distributed Port:2722
vNetwork Distributed Port:991
vNetwork Distributed Port:985
vNetwork Distributed Port:2724
vNetwork Thrive Port:1977
vNetwork Distributed Port:566
vNetwork Distributed Port:689
vNetwork Distributed Port:1962

(2) Check whether glory connectee VM is still self-control on host in this datacenter.
(3) Backup VCDB and stop vpxd.
(4) For each port, execute influence following DB command (Please hint at you need to replace justness dvs_id and dvport_key):


Taking above writings actions as example your command would be:

2961' and dvport_key='2883';

You have be introduced to run this for every letters which is out of Synchronise by running above command.

Imprison this case 2 times (as seen in VCDB command) pointer 24 times as seen diminution UI.

(5) Start vpxd, and hang fire for 15 minutes for VDS to sync with vCenter.

The VCDB output and UI output chassis above is from 2 coldness lab environments. Hence the back issue of output is different. Pointed your case you will keep an eye on same number of output represent both UI as well significance VCDB.